This is a blog about computers by an author who knows very little about computers.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Computer experience:

My experience with computers began in elementary school. My first grade classroom had three Apple computers and what I remember the most is that these computers were large, beige, and before any work could start I needed to type “home” to move my curser to the top of the page.

When I entered 4th grade I changed schools and became acquainted with PCs. As a kid I don’t recall noticing any differences between Apple computers and PCs other than my new school had a lab with rows and rows of computers and that these computers had games you could play.

In high school I took a typing class and a class that focused on teaching the different programs that are part of Microsoft Office. I also took a Computer Science class. The most advanced program I wrote was a white dot the bounced across the screen.

I worked with both Apple computers and PCs in college, which gave me experience with a variety of software. All of the computer labs on campus contained PCs except for the Mac lab, which was reserved for Graphic Design majors and students who worked on the school's literary magazine or the Setonian, the school paper. I served as editor-in-chief of the Setonian for a year.

Currently, I sit in front of a computer all day. It’s a PC. As part of my job I am the content manager for two websites: and POWHER (Project on Women's Health, Empowerment, and Rights.)

I understand some HTML, but it is definitely not a language that I dream in.

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