This is a blog about computers by an author who knows very little about computers.

Friday, July 23, 2010

On the way to a completed portfolio…

Well, I figured out what the problem was with my file name and my portfolio page not appearing on the web as it should. I mistakenly named the file “portfolio_slade.html.html” and that is why it wasn’t showing up. It’s always the simplest things that seem to gum up the works. However, when you only have an inkling of what you’re doing and figuring out part takes ten times longer than the actual task-completing part…and little mistakes cause major delays in moving forward with the project and major headaches.

This afternoon I am going to try and figure out how to format headings and margins with my external style sheet. I’m not having a problem with the syntax of the actual style sheet. Additionally, my style sheet communicates the background color and the body text formatting perfectly. But the other formatting for the headings and margins the gets lost somewhere. Now comes the process of trial and error to pull a very simple solution out of thin air. I think learning Japanese would be less frustrating.

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